On these resume websites, I have noticed that they include all of their information to get a hold of them. They include a picture of themselves, information about them, their phone number, and their e-mails. Then they have some typical resume information.
Wednesday November 19th
Go out and look up a what all goes on a resume website. What can you find? Include an example image if possible.
Tuesday November 18th
Define 'User Experience'. What does it mean and how does it relate to web design?
The overall experience someone has with a product, like a computer. It goes along with how easy it is for you to use. In Web Design, you have to get some user experience in order to know how to use that certain product. For example when I was making a website off of Dream Weaver, I had to learn how to use it so that it would be easier to make my website better.
Monday November 17th
Consider the quote below. What exactly do you think it means and how does it relate to Web Design?
I think that it means design takes work. It isn't just the look of it, it's also the work that went into making the design. Web Design deals with all of the work and coding behind it. You don't realize how much work goes into the design until you do it yourself.
Wednesday November 12th
Reflect on your learning this semester so far in this class. Think about the first day you walked in to this room until right now. What have you learned about Web Design? What have you learned beyond Web Design? Explain yourself.
I knew nothing about Web Design when I first walked in. I thought that it was going online and making one off of the internet. I have learned now what Web Design actually is. I have learned how code a website from scratch. I have also learned how to problem solve. Sometimes a design that I wanted to use didn't work, so I had to change it to something I could actually do.
Friday November 7th
Define the following terms on your blog. Do not copy and paste definitions. Site where you got your definition.
FTP: File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer documents from one person to another.
Web Server: A web server is a program that serves files that form web pages to web users.
Web Hosting: Providing storage, space, and access for websites.
FTP: File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer documents from one person to another.
Web Server: A web server is a program that serves files that form web pages to web users.
Web Hosting: Providing storage, space, and access for websites.
Monday November 3rd
Tell me about your weekend. Give me details and photos!
This weekend was Halloween, so my best friend had a party! I went as a nun but I only wore it for about 5 minutes because the top hurt my neck. It was a really fun party and lots of people came. The next day I just hung out all day with my friends. On Sunday I went to the plaza to go shopping with my friend.
Monday October 20th
Tell me about your weekend. Share pics!
On Saturday, I had my last Sophomore volleyball tournament! We got 2nd place! Then on Sunday, I went to a pumpkin patch with my friend and her family. We got to see a lot of animals and eat tons of food! We also went through the corn maze, but we didn't get that lost.
What kind of background do you have with Photoshop? Have you used it before? What other types of design and editing software have you used before? Explain.
I have never used Photoshop before. I have always wanted to but my mom would never let me download it! I have only used the apps you can get on your phone that are similar. I know that you ca juxtapose thing into there, add effects to a photo, crop, and more. I am actually excited to learn how to use it!
I have never used Photoshop before. I have always wanted to but my mom would never let me download it! I have only used the apps you can get on your phone that are similar. I know that you ca juxtapose thing into there, add effects to a photo, crop, and more. I am actually excited to learn how to use it!
Tuesday October 14th
I can now kind of understand where you are coming from but I still stand for what I believe. Obviously we should have some kind of limit to what people can wear, like coming to school in tube tops. However, I am very tall. No matter what kind of shorts I wear it will never reach down to my thumbs. If they go past my thumbs then they aren't even shorts anymore. Teachers are also always being so rude about how we dress. If you ask me to kindly "cover up" then I probably will. If you ask me to "stop showing so much skin" in a rude way then it won't happen.
Monday October 13th
The perfect curriculum wouldn't prepare you for some real life situations. If you didn't want to take math, so you didn't, you wouldn't know how to do simple things like adding or subtracting. My perfect curriculum obviously wouldn't include most of the common core classes. I would have more classes like photography, learning how to draw, or a class where you play different sports. I wouldn't have it like P.E., but more like playing games and not so much running.
Tuesday October 7th
The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.
I totally agree with this 100%. Obviously people can't come to school showing off everything, but the "thumb rule" is just ridiculous. I am 5'10", with very long legs. The thumb rule doesn't work for me unless I wear shorts down to my knees. Showing off my shoulder shouldn't "distract" boys either. It's a shoulder and nothing more. We should be able to wear whatever the heck we want to wear without being judged or told we "need to put on more clothes". Almost every single girl in this school could say the same thing.
Monday October 6th
Tell me about your weekend! If you don't have anything fun to share, tell me about the city you live in. What do you love about Kansas City? Do you have a favorite place in the city? Favorite team? :) Favorite event? Explain.
This weekend I had another volleyball tournament! We placed 3rd out of 17 teams. After volleyball I went and saw If I Stay, and cried, then went to Panera. On Sunday I went and took photography pictures with my friend Sydney. We drove out to my farm and I took panorama pictures.
Monday September 29th
Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!
This weekend I did not go to Homecoming. I had a volleyball tournament on Saturday from 6 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. We ended up getting 3rd and played really well! Then on Sunday it was my birthday! I went to Kyoto for lunch and then got to lay in bed all day. It was a pretty successful weekend, but it went by too fast!
This weekend I did not go to Homecoming. I had a volleyball tournament on Saturday from 6 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. We ended up getting 3rd and played really well! Then on Sunday it was my birthday! I went to Kyoto for lunch and then got to lay in bed all day. It was a pretty successful weekend, but it went by too fast!
Monday September 22nd
How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Share photos!
This weekend I had a volleyball tournament in Lawrence all day Saturday. We played for 12 hours, 17 games, and got 3rd place. We got done really late but it was worth it. Sunday I just hung out all day and slept!
Friday September 19th
Now that you are several weeks in to this class and have coded one (super small) website, what do you think? What are your thoughts on web design? Is it what you thought it would be? Is it better? Worse? What's your favorite part? What's your least favorite part? Explain.
Web Design is a better class than I thought! I thought you would use another website to create a website, not that you had to code one. My favorite part is making the websites because you get to make something so cool from scratch. My least favorite part is doing Code Academy because it's boring. I am looking forward to seeing how we can make our websites better!
Wednesday September 17th
What is the importance of deadlines? How do high school deadlines reflect or simulate "real world" experience? Give an example of when you met or or didn't meet a deadline that was important.
Dead lines in high school are important because when you get a real job you will have to turn your work in on time or you will get fired. One time I forgot about my work for a big project until the night of so I had to last second do it. I got it done, but it wasn't my best work. I didn't get the grade I was hoping for. In real life, if I would have done a bad job I would've been fired.
Tuesday September 16th
Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.
When I don't study for a big test coming up is an example for this quote. I am not preparing so I am going to fail. I have done this a lot, and normally I don't fail but I haven't gotten the best grade I could have gotten. Another example is playing a sport. If you don't practice then you won't be good. If you don't practice before a game then you and your team will fail.
Monday September 15th
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!
This weekend I had my birthday party! My birthday isn't until the 28th but I had it early. My friends and I went to Stockton Lake, where I have a lake house. We rode my horses, went tubing, cliff jumping, and watched movies. It was one of the best weekends I've had for a while!
Wednesday September 10th
Below is one of my favorite quotes that I found on Pinterest. Think read and think about what this says and then blog about it. What does this quote mean to you? Elaborate! Feel free to give an example of tell a story.
I say "I'm bored" all of the time because it is actually true. I disagree with this quote because, yes there is a lot to do, but you can't hardly ever do those things. You can't just go "see the world" whenever you want. I am always saying "I'm bored" when I am at my house, but that's because I have tried different things to entertain me but they haven't.
Tuesday September 9th
How do you express your creativity? Explain.
Creativity, to me, is being able to imagine things and think of ideas on your own. Creativity is thinking of original ideas and works. It can be used for an artwork, an invention, or any daily things like schoolwork.
Monday September 8th
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!
This weekend I went to the opening Chiefs game. I got there at 9:00 and tailgated until game time. We didn't win the game, but it was still fun! On Saturday I had to ref the Freshman volleyball tournament. After reffing I went home and watched scary movies. Then I went to the game.
Friday September 5th
Kids these days, always on their phones. They are gonna get into an accident from that texting they do all of the time. Even little 7 year olds have iPhones! They also drive over the speed limit too much. I think that the speed limit should decrease because they will get in an accident from speeding or texting!
Wednesday September 3rd
Tell me about what you have learned in this class so far. Have you learned a lot? Do you want to learn more? What do you want to be able to do by the end of the semester?
This semester I have learned how to code and make a website. I want to learn more about making my website better and also how to make my blog better. By the end of the semester I hope to have learned how to make a full website and have it look really good!
Tuesday September 2nd
Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!
This Labor Day weekend I went to my lake house at Stockton Lake. I went tubing, knee boarding, cliff jumping, and horse-back riding. It was really fun! When I was riding my horse I didn't use a saddle once and I fell off when he started trotting! I hope that next Labor Day is just as good as this one!
Friday August 29th
Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.
I do agree with the last statement on acting like a responsible person. However, I do not agree that we (as teenagers) should go home and do work all day. I think we should be able to do fun stuff and have fun things to do. We should live while we're young! I think we should work some and have fun a little too, because even adults can have fun and not work 24/7.
Wednesday August 27th
What is a Public Service Announcement? If you don't know what it is, Google it. In your own words, now tell me what it is? What are they used for? Can you recall an example of a PSA you've seen before?
A Public Service Announcement is an announcement the government usually sends out. They can have it announce through TV or radio. A Public Service Announcement that occurs often is when the President has an announcement. I saw a PSA one time when Barack Obama talked about Joplin.
Tuesday August 26th
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.
My name is Brenna Stroud and I am currently a sophomore at BVHS. I am on the sophomore volleyball team and we have practice every single day. My favorite class is Earth Space Science because I have a lot of friends in that class and we do labs almost every day. I hope to get good grades this year and to have lots of fun!
Monday August 25th
What do you know about Web Design right now? What did you know about Web Design before you walked in to this class? Tell me as much as you can about how web pages work. Try to use an example if possible.
Before Web Design I knew absolutely nothing about Web Design. I had tried to make a website off of another website made for making websites, but I knew nothing about it. Now I have started learning the coding of websites and how things are made or put onto a webpage. When I did Code Academy, it started to become easy from repeating the same codes over and over. I have learned how to do many different things, and I hope to learn even more.
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